Essity B 278.3 (-3.3 SEK) on 16-Jul-2024 17:29



Hand to Hand

In ’Hand to Hand’ we gain insight into the everyday realities of people from different parts of the world, many of whom live in conflict or disaster areas. What unites us all, regardless of life situation, is our need for the essentials of daily hygiene and health. This exhibition of Essity and Fotografiska features stories by Paul Hansen, one the worlds most respected journalist photographers and winner of World Press Photo 2013, aims to raise awareness around the vital need for access to water and hygiene.

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Saving lives and reducing infections

The lives of 500 children with diarrhea could be saved daily with access to clean water and soap. 70% of healthcare-associated infections could be reduced through improved hygiene practices.

Paul Hansen

Listen to photographer Paul Hansens own experience about the importance of hygiene and access to basic hygiene facilities.

Hygiene in schools

The exhibition also features a school in England documented by photographer Åsa Sjöström, who works in the same tradition as Paul Hansen. The school is part of a larger initiative that focuses on teaching children the importance of personal hygiene at an early age and addresses the importance of cleanliness of toilet facilities at schools.

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Digital Exhibition

For those not able to travel to the museum, we have created an online experience. At your own convenience, you can experience the photos, insights and stories anywhere you like. We also included behind-the-scenes material and insights from our bi-annual survey on hygiene and health in areas such as menstruation, incontinence and hygiene at home. Click on a language:

English | SwedishGerman | French Dutch | Spanish | Russian

Hygiene & Health Report 2018/19

The report highlights the importance of prioritizing hygiene and health throughout the life course. It shows how efforts can contribute not only to personal well-being but also to societal development, ie contribute to UN SDGs. 

It also aims to influence public policy to raise hygiene and health standards globally.

Read the report:
English | French | Spanish | Swedish | Russian | German

“Fotografiska for Life”

We’re proud to announce our collaboration with Fotografiska, raising awareness and sparking dialogue around the importance of hygiene and related social issues.

Our first exhibition premiered on November 8, 2017, with Swedish photographer Ida Borg’s Hygiene, A Circle of Life. The second exhibition "Hand to Hand" will be on display at Fotografiska in Stockholm from September 27 until December 16, 2018.