Essity B 278.3 (-3.3 SEK) on 16-Jul-2024 17:29



Global Handwashing Day


In 2020, not only the hygiene and health industry and influencers promoted the importance of hand washing, but due to COVID-19 the whole world started to adopt better hand washing in order to avoid spreading the corona virus.

Essity has been promoting the importance of hand washing since years back. Global Handwashing Day is an important milestone every year to talk about what, why and how when it comes to handwashing. In many parts of the world, there are still millions of people that do not have access to proper hand hygiene facilities. Even in developed countries, we see the general public demands a better access to handwashing facilities out in public.

Listen on Spotify to our latest podcast around this topic from a variety of perspective, featuring: 

Miryam Wahrman, Professor of Biology – William Paterson University
Dr Amy Nielson – Doctors without Borders 
Jacob Holmström – Michelin Restaurant Owner/Chef
Birgitta Bergström – Microbiologist Research Institutes of Sweden
Dr Ravina Kullar – Global Infectious Diseases Expert
Renee Remijnse, Communications Expert – Essity
Carolyn Berland, Senior Scientist – Essity

Facts about handwashing impact according to Global Handwashing Partnership factsheet
  • Handwashing can reduce diarrheal diseases by 30% to 48%.

  • Handwashing can reduce acute respiratory infections by 20%.

  • Handwashing is also key in the fight against COVID-19. Handwashing with soap destroys the outer membrane of the virus and thereby inactivates it.

  • One study found that regular handwashing with soap can reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 infection by 36%.
Global Handwashing Partnership

We are an active partner to Global Handwashing Partnership who works to save children’s lives and improve health by promoting handwashing with soap. These days, we realize more than ever that washing hands can help you prevent from getting infections and even save lives.

This year’s theme is ‘Hand Hygiene for All’ and on this site you will find lots of insights, tips and links to more information about proper handwashing.

About the Essentials Initiative Global Survey

In this global websurvey, we gather insights from general public from ~15,000 respondents in 15 countries aged 16-85 years. The most recent Essentials Initiative survey covers a wide variety of topics from sustainability, public hygiene, incontinence and menstruation, and general health stigma’s. This study highlights attitudes, behaviors and mindsets around a broad range of hygiene and health areas. The field research was carried out Dec 2019 to Jan 2020, and was complemented in July 2020 with a deep dive in 10 countries around hygiene and health questions around the Corona pandemic.​


Essity and its brand Tork are advocates for hand hygiene in the critical moments as determined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Good hand hygiene has a big influence on health and well-being of our loved ones for everyone. We aim to inform people about the critical moments of handwashing and proper handwashing methods with water and soap, preventing over-use of disinfectants, sanitizers and handwashing when this is not needed

Handwashing in Covid-times 1

How many times do you think people wash their hands per day since COVID-19 started spreading around the world?

Handwashing in Covid-times 2

Which activities do you think people have started washing their hands more around this year?

Handwashing in Covid-times 3

How many times do you wash your hands per day?